Another good day under our belts and one more day closer to home! Day 2 was relatively uneventful - and that's a good thing in the post-transplant world. Last night was a little restless as I had a weird knot in my throat - we're praying that it's not an early sign of mouth/throat sores. Today while we were taking a walk, we ran across free ice cream - bonus - and I was able to eat that just fine, so I'm optimistic that the throat is ok. If I'm still feeling pretty good tomorrow, I'll probably change rooms and go to cooperative care which is like a step down unit of sorts. My room would be more like a hotel room and Mom would stay with me. More freedom, more space, fewer wake-ups during the night... Sounds like a good deal, stay tuned. Praying for a good night's sleep.
"Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure" ~Psalm 16:9