Finally got the preliminary pathology results and they're thinking GVHD. I guess there's a couple good things to be said for that – 1) since they suspected that on Wed, I've already been on steroids for several days which is the first line treatment, 2) it shows that Keith's cells are alive and well – trying to get rid of things that they view as “foreign” (cancer would fall in that box) and 3) no one is worried that this is in any way related to my cancer leaving remission. I haven't actually talked to the doctors since the preliminary report was released so I don't know where we go from here but am guessing that they will be pretty tight lipped until they know the stage of the GVHD anyway (I-IV). Right now I'm still on a VERY limited diet – sugar-free clears with a miniscule amount of white carbs to be exact. It's awesome, I recommend it to anyone that's looking to drop those post holiday pounds and be miserable along the way.
Had a little mental melt-down last night but today seems to be a better day (and Mom was still here this morning, I don't think she tried to sneak out in the night). Made it to mass this morning and had annointing of the sick so my peace of mind has improved. Thanks for all of your continued prayers – new prayer requests are that the doctors will have wisdom regarding where we go from here, my gut will heal quickly and that I'll be discharged home by mid-week. (I have great plans for 2011 and need to get out of here :)
God bless!!!!!