Feeling pretty good again today. Actually got a full day of work in! This evening I've started to get a little chill and have a backache which I'll be getting checked out tomorrow if it's not better (can't imagine that my kidneys might be crying from all the antibiotics). My WBC's haven't rebounded yet but I still have hope that it will happen by Sunday. Yesterday was another day of working on my patience as I had to spend 7.5hrs at the clinic getting platelets and more potassium. It was a great time. My prayers continue to be that I'll remain fever-free, that my potassium will stabilize, that I'll have a good/healthy weekend with my niece and nephew, that Keith will stay safe and healthy and that I'll be able to praise God through the storm, giving Him the glory!
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.