Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Lengthening the leash
The days keep clicking by, each one being more amazing than the prior according to the statisticians! Just finished up all my “2 year” checks in Omaha and things are still stable. Blood counts are all good, osteoporosis is not getting worse (maybe a little better in my spine), chest x-ray and lung tests look the same - like an 80 year old smoker. I honestly think it might have looked a little better 10 days ago, but I managed to pick up a cold that settled in my chest. Maybe it would have only looked like I had been smoking for 60 years ;) Oh well, doesn't really change anything, just a number on the paper. Dr Vose is going to try and stop my steroids so prayers that my body tolerates it would be greatly appreciated. I've been on them for about 9 months now which can't be helping the bones! Other than that, the transplant meds are messing with my cholesterol so I have to go see my primary care provider and discuss the possibility of more meds :( It's probably been a couple years since I even saw her, I'm sure she's going to love seeing my chart land on her desk!
So, that's about it. I don't have to go back to Omaha until first of September as long as all goes well – maybe the heat wave will be gone by then!!!